Carp Fishing Equipment

Posted by Calipso | Monday, July 28, 2008 | 0 comments »

Carp Fishing Equipment - Getting The Right Stuff
By: Paul Winter

Most fishermen think that any rod and reel will bring in the carp of their dreams. What they do not realize is that carp, though once considered the trash of the lake, are sneaky creatures. If you are planning on fishing you might as well spend a few dollars extra and get the appropriate equipment for carp fishing. While some think it does not make a difference, carp fishing equipment can be the difference between a batch of carp fingers or hunger pains.

The rod used for carp fishing can vary with the different sizes of carp. In smaller lakes you may be looking at carp up to 15 pounds or so. In larger lakes carp may be as large as 30 pounds. Not every rod will allow you to wrestle a 30-pound carp, so choosing the rod carp fishing equipment should be based on the size of the carp. A 1 to 2 pound test curve rod will handle carp up to about 15 pounds. Anything over the 15-pound mark should probably use a rod with a test curve of about 3. The fishing distance also makes a difference when considering carp fishing equipment. The longer fishing distance requires a longer rod with the ability to handle a heavier weight because of the distance.

The reel also depends on the type of rod and distance that you will be casting. The reel must be compatible with the rod of course. That is something that in most cases can be purchased together to alleviate confusion. Most professional fishermen recommend a baitrunner type reel. This will help you hold on and keep from getting drug into the lake!

Another part of the carp fishing equipment is the fishing line. The rod and reel should give you a clue as to what size fishing line that you will need. Make sure that the line that you purchase is rated for the size fish that you are looking to catch. In most cases you can count on a 2-pound test curve rod to handle about a 10 pound fishing line. That is a rough estimate and the best way to determine is by your rod.

As for hooks there are a number of different sizes, shapes, colors and other bells. Most fishermen will build up a collection of carp fishing equipment that has a variety of hooks, weights and tools. Most professionals recommend that you go ahead and purchase a carp hook. They may cost a little more than a regular hook, but it will work better. When you are purchasing hooks make sure that you abide by the fishery laws. In some counties using barbed hook is prohibited.

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